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Measures to reduce the carbon footprint and advocate for sustainable transportation

Medidas para disminuir la huella de carbono y abogar por un transporte sostenible

The international freight transport sector has always been in the spotlight for emitting large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

If we stick to the data that currently exist, it is estimated that international road transport can contribute 4.5% of the total gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. It is true that no sector needs logistics in some of its phases, no matter how local the business may be, and that more significant economic activity always implies more movements of goods, so the best we can do is take measures that help reduce emissions in a sector that is essential in the development of an economy such as logistics or international transportation.

European legislation on sustainability for international transport companies

On the one hand, the States, with their legislation, and Europe in particular, have been legislating to force manufacturers to manufacture more sustainable heavy vehicles. From the first legislation on emissions in heavy trucks with EUR I, II and III back in the 90s to the current EUR VI RDE, emissions have significantly improved. But as long as international transportation in heavy vehicles is not feasible with electric vehicles, all parties, states and companies will have to take other measures to reduce emissions.

Why is it good for everyone to be more sustainable in international transport?

An orderly renewal of the fleet, with more modern models, will reduce our consumption and our emissions, which will have the double effect of saving costs and being more sustainable. This year the State, through the Next Generation funds, has helped those companies committed to scrapping a EUR III, IV truck.. by purchasing a EUR VI model. This aid motivates companies to modernise their fleets.

Training in efficient driving in a transport company with its fleet can do an excellent job for the environment and will also help reduce the cost of diesel for the company.

Example of CO2 emission in a tractor head with a loaded platform

Let's look at it in numbers to make it more accurate: A tractor unit that tows a loaded platform can emit 0.850 kg of CO2 per kilometre travelled (with a consumption of 32 litres per 100) if the same truck with more efficient driving passes consuming 28 litres per 100 will emit 0.735 kg of Co2 per kilometre. It may not seem like much savings, but if the company has a fleet of 15 trucks/lorries, it will save 14,950 kg of Co2 per truck and 168,100 kg of Co2 per year. But it will also mean cost savings of approximately €130,000 per year for the company. We all win!

Digitalisation in international road transport

Greater digitalisation will make our transportation more efficient, and why? If we have real-time information on truck positions, free driving hours and orders from our customers, we can reduce the empty kilometres of our fleet. Kilometres of empty space that no one pays us for and emissions that we pour into the atmosphere without any purpose. But once again, they will be a saving for the company.

Going from 10% of empty kilometres to 7% will mean saving 50,000kg of CO2 emissions per year; for a company with 15 trucks and in fuel alone, it will save €20,000.

Can we or can we not help provide sustainable transport?

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