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What does intermodal rail transport consist of?

En qué consiste el transporte intermodal por ferrocarril

At Sacytrans we offer intermodal rail transport on specific routes for Europe and Spain.

International transport has been constantly evolving and offering different solutions due to the needs of companies. One of these solutions is intermodal transport.

This is transport in which different modes of transport come into play, such as road and rail or road and ship.

Goods are transported either in containers or in swap bodies. The swap bodies are like containers, but instead of being closed metallic, they have sliding canvas sides and roof (like the "tautliner" type trailers), which allows loading/unloading both from above and from the sides, something that cannot be done with containers.

Sacytrans has Mobile Boxes for intermodal transport (road-rail), with the added special feature of being Mobile Boxes for reel transport.

Types of intermodal transport

  • Road-rail-road intermodal transport.
  • Road-sea-road intermodal transport.

At Sacytrans we offer you intermodal transport by rail on specific routes for Europe and Spain.

How does intermodal rail transport work?

In international road transport, the lorry (tractor + semi-trailer) arrives at the factory, the goods are loaded onto it and it leaves to reach its destination, making the entire journey by road.

In the case of intermodal transport, the container, swap body or semi-trailer with the goods is put on another means of transport, in this case the railway, so that most of the journey is made on this other means of transport and not by road.

Therefore, it consists of 3 sections:

  1. Loading of the goods into the swap body, container or semi-trailer and transport by road from the origin to the railway station.
  2. Train journey of the container, swap body or semi-trailer to the train's destination station.
  3. Recovery of the container or swap body (with a container chassis + tractor) or semi-trailer (with a tractor), to take it to be unloaded at its destination by road.


Chassis of the vehicle on which the container or swap body is to be placed for loading or unloading.Chassis of the vehicle on which the container or swap body is to be placed for loading or unloading.

Mobile box on the vehicle chassis. As can be seen, it is practically no different to a tautliner type semi-trailer.
Mobile box on the vehicle chassis. As can be seen, it is practically no different to a tautliner type semi-trailer.
Mobile box, in which the tarpaulins that allow side and top loads can be seen, placed by crane on a wagon to start its journey on the railway.

Mobile box, in which the tarpaulins that allow side and top loads can be seen, placed by crane on a wagon to start its journey on the railway.

Mobile box perfectly anchored on the train carriage to start the intermodal part of the journey.Mobile box perfectly anchored on the train carriage to start the intermodal part of the journey.

Intermodal transport service with Sacytrans

Intermodal rail transport is a sustainable, efficient and competitive option for the transport of goods throughout Europe. The railway, as an intermodal transport service, is a form of transport that offers a series of advantages, such as cost reduction, improved safety and respect for the environment.

At Sacytrans, we offer intermodal rail transport services from and to different points in Europe.

Consult the coverage of this service and more information on the intermodal transport section.

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